We willen dat u blij bent met uw aankoop. Mocht dit om welke reden dan ook niet helemaal het geval zijn dan mag u het item binnen 14 dagen na aankoop retourneren. Belangrijk hierbij is dat het product in originele staat en in ongebruikte staat is en voorzien van de originele labels en eventuele verpakking. Zodra het pakket ontvangen is, storten we binnen 5 werkdagen uw geld terug op uw rekening.
Een item retour sturen doet u in 3 simpele stappen.
- Zorg dat het item goed verpakt is
- Voeg de pakbon mee (zodat bekend is welk ordernr. het betreft)
- Verstuur het pakket naar: Adres kunt u opvragen via emailadres
Zodra uw pakketje in goede orde ontvangen is, ontvangt u uw geld terug.
We want you to be happy with your purchase and we apologize if it is not. For whatever reason that you are not satisfied, we would be most happy to provide returns for all items purchased from us if the following conditions are met :
- All items must be in their original packaging with product tags intact
- All items must be unworn, unused, unwashed and in its original condition
- Originals receipts would need to be included
- Send us an email at so we can provide you the return adres
If non of the above conditions are met, we regret to inform that we are unable to process any claims for refund regardless that the items have been mailed back to us.
All returns would need to be raised within 14 days after arrival. As all is in original condition and within the term of 14 days, you can send the item(s) back to the warehouse.
You will need to include your invoice together with the item(s) in its original condition and packaging. When we have received your return goods and if all is returned in good conditions, as described above, The Milk Minimalist will refund your purchase price of the return goods within 5 workdays. We don’t refund via coupons (except when you have payed with a coupon)
The shipping costs of returning an item(s) are for your own account. You are responsonsable for your own return parcels. Return parcels which are lost or damaged during transportation will not be compensated or refunded. You should claim these costs at the transporter.
Important note for return orders outside EU: Always mention RETURN in capital letters on the outside of the parcel. This is to avoid import duties for The Milk Minimalist on the items. Return parcels without the RETURN notice and with customs charges, will not be accepted and or paid by The Milk Minimalist. All customs charges are for your own account.
No refunds will be given for taxes, duties, tariffs and excise charges levied for orders of return items from outside EU.
All returns would need to be shipped to :
Pakkettenfabriek t.a.v The Milk Minimalist – Conservenweg 116 – 2371 DT Roelofarendsveen – The Netherlands
However, if any of the products received is deemed defective or a wrong shipment, The Milk Minimalist will bear the cost of shipping the item(s) back to you.
Our returns policy does not cover damage resulting from unique, accidental, or random damage that is the result of use by you or wear and tear of a product.
The Milk Minimalist makes no warranty in respect of any product, express or implied, including any implied warranties of merchantability, quality, compliance with description and fitness for a particular purpose
All decisions made by are final